Saturday, 5 March 2011

Multiple Intelligence Test

I found the Birmingham grid for learning interesting and informative.  Yet another ICT tool to help identify and collaborate a person's strengths and weaknesses.  It is so wonderful to go on the 'E - Learning' journey and experience technology at it's best.  My results were astonishingly quit accurate.  I received high results in kinaesthetic (body smart), linguistic (word smart), interpersonal (people smart) and intrapersonal (myself smart).  I do really enjoy sports.  I like to communicate effectively and be involved with groups and apart of team experiences.  I am social and enjoy sharing ideas and lessons of life with whom I engage.  I know myself and constantly embrace critical reflection by identifying with my strengths and weaknesses.

My lowest ranking scores were for visual/spatia (picture smart)  which actually made me laugh because my husband tells me all the time that I can't read maps and my 4 year old daughter informs me regularly that my drawing ability is like a kindy child (I personally love stick men).  Music has never been dominant and my ability in playing a musical instrument stops at the recorder but I do love to listen to it.  So all in all the intelligence test concludes my  'intelligence' quite accurately.

Another fantastic resource.

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